Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Off to Ireland

Today's Topic: Reading

This weekend, I spent a lot of time cleaning my house in preparation for leaving the country (I'm going to Ireland for my brother's wedding). I went through my book collection and pulled out the stuff that I don't expect I'll read in the next decade. Some of the books that got cut are ones that I've read, but have no urge to keep. Some I picked up super cheap at garage sales and have never gotten around to reading.

The whole experience kinda put me in a dilemma. There are a lot of books on my reading list, but I own so many books I haven't read. Plus, when my girlfriend and I moved in together, we integrated our respective collections. This is a whole other set of books in my house that I haven't read.

I decided to actually write down a reading list with two parts: Books that I own, and books that I don't. If I alternate between the two parts of the list, I can read books that I own, but still read new stuff.

At some point, I'll post my complete reading list here and readers of this blog can track my progress (because I know it's so important to you all).

Anyway, then I got this other brilliant idea. I'll take one of the books that I've marked to remove from my library, take it to Ireland with me, read it, and then leave it there. I'll put something in the book that says something like, "If you found this book, please post on my blog to tell me what you think." Something like that.

Anyway, this is a little rambling, and I have so much to do before I leave.

I'll report back when I return.


At 8:56 AM, Blogger Jo said...

Hey Scott! It sounds like you might be up for a little Bookcrossing.com. I released several books in Chicago (at bus and el stops, public restrooms, etc.) but none of them were ever "caught." Have fun in Ireland! I'm traveling this week to a place almost as exotic: Texas! :-)


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