Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Where I've been..

Topic today: Writing

I've been trying to write more fiction lately, so I've been neglecting this blog. To all three of my loyal fans, I apologize.

It's funny, I had all these ideas at work yesterday for blog entries, but I got up this morning and have forgotten them all. It's always the same thing. I have a great idea and i tell myself to write it down. Then I think, "No this is such a great idea, I'll never forget it!" Wrong.

So right now, I'm sitting at my kitchen table writing this and listening to NPR. There is a story profiling the debate team at Kelly HS on the southwest side. I'm shocked and impressed. Kelly is notoriously shitty. I guess if you didn't grow up on the southwest side you would believe how amazing that Kelly has a debate team.

Sorry, more about writing... I realize, like I've know for a long time, that one has to write every day. I'm not quite there, but I'm trying.


At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard the story of the Left Hand and the Right Hand?


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