Thursday, September 21, 2006


Changes are a brewin' here at the CitizenNick Word center. I'll say no more. Just be ready when they come. I'll say no more.

I would like to point out two new links I've added to my links section.

First, I have my friend Salma with her blog. Much more personal and popular than mine. If all goes well, I'll be teaching Salma how to ride a bike in the coming months. I'm sure there will be cross-blog action.

Also, there is the blog Shockingly Provincial by an old high school friend of mine. Rich is pretty funny. He also introduced me to the works of Harry Harrison, so that's gotta count for something (I'm afraid I only read The Stainless Steel Rat).

You'll also notice that I'm not keeping track of my word count this month. I just don't feel like it. Maybe next month.


At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah, oh man, nostalgia. I totally read the steel rat and of course the deathworld stuff.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Rich Rosenthal II said...

You missed out on the Technicolor Time Machine! ok the only reason I had that was it was one of many used books given to me by mt uncle.

There was also Bill the glactic Hero, though harison only actually wrote the first book in that series a sort of jab at has world war II experiences.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Oh, Right, Bill. Didn't he have two left arms or something?

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Chris said...

wasn't i the one that worked at a comic shop?

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Scott said...

I sometimes think that in Wayne's eyes Chris and I are the same person. We're both 30yr old white males, have glasses, write blogs, etc...

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Chris said...

thanks. i wondered if i had missed a joke. 52!52!fiffteeetooo!

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Rich Rosenthal II said...

Yes in typical beurocratic fashion Bill recieved a second left arm because thats all that was available. He later gets willed the fangs of his drill seargent too.

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm starting to make a correlation between being 30 or near thirty, wearing glasses, and having a blog with a sordid past in comics stores.


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